Revelation Timeline

Follow along for the entire Revelation series:

Revelation Timeline.xls (35 KB)

Engel Scale

In Evangelism #2, we talk about the Engel Scale. Click here for the document to follow along:

EngelScale.pdf (74 KB)


We did a series on Creation Science. Click here for the document:

Mythology.doc (4 MB)

The Way It Is focuses on how to live a Christian life more intimately with God by studying the Word in order to have a more effective and deeper walk with Christ. Paul and Marla Reid have been involved in various ministries for over 25 years. Paul has a degree in Biblical Studies from Vanguard University where he met Marla and they have been involved in ministry ever since.


The Secret of Obedience: Moses #2

Moses had conversations with God and listened to his promises, but he also had roadblocks and opposition on the way there. His story helps us navigate our own walk with God.

The Secret of Obedience: Moses

Moses had conversations with God and listened to his promises, but he also had roadblocks and opposition on the way there. His story helps us navigate our own walk with God.

The Secret of Obedience: Elisha

Out of Elisha's steadfast obedience to follow Elijah to the end, he was granted a double portion of what was on Elijah's life from the Lord.

The Secret of Obedience: Elijah #3

Sometimes we misunderstand Elijah's relationship with God. We see the times where he seems to do what he wants as a prophet, but we miss how he was just being obedient to God.

The Secret of Obedience: Elijah #2

Sometimes we misunderstand Elijah's relationship with God. We see the times where he seems to do what he wants as a prophet, but we miss how he was just being obedient to God.

The Secret of Obedience: Elijah #1

Sometimes we misunderstand Elijah's relationship with God. We see the times where he seems to do what he wants as a prophet, but we miss how he was just being obedient to God.

The Secret of Obedience: Gideon #2

Gideon did amazing things just by listening to the Lord. But how did he, and how do we, know that it is the Lord speaking to us?

The Secret of Obedience: Gideon #1

Gideon did amazing things just by listening to the Lord. But how did he, and how do we, know that it is the Lord speaking to us?

The Secret of Obedience: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah

God asks us to obey him; so Daniel and his friends obey both the written word and also whatever the Holy Spirit shows them. How do we learn to do the same?

The Secret of Obedience: Joseph

Sometimes God speaks to us and gives us specific instructions; other times he just expects us to do the right thing

The Secret of Obedience: Abraham #2

In this episode we discuss Abraham's calling, obedience, and disobedience and the miracles and problems that followed. In this we hope to understand our own roller-coaster relationship with God.

The Secret of Obedience: Abraham #1

In this episode we discuss Abraham's calling, obedience, and disobedience and the miracles and problems that followed. In this we hope to understand our own roller-coaster relationship with God.

The Secret of Obedience: Noah

What if you are the only one in the room that is hearing from God? Do you have enough faith to carry on even when that is the case?

The Secret of Obedience: Abel

Why is obedience so important? How are our modern-day churches repeating the sin of Cain?

Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control

Why is it important for Christians to have self-control? What happens when we don't?

Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness

Why is it important that we be gentle as Christians? Are most Christians and churches taking this advice to heart?

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness #2

What does it mean to be good? Or evil? How does the Bible define goodness and how do we be good in order to draw people to God?

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness #1

What does it mean to be good? Or evil? How does the Bible define goodness and how do we be good in order to draw people to God?

Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness and Gentleness #2

What is Christian kindness and why is it important? How is kindness and gentleness important in winning others to Christ?

Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness and Gentleness #1

What is Christian kindness and why is it important? How is kindness and gentleness important in winning others to Christ?

Divine Appointments and Miracles #2

Interview with Marcus Gutierrez and Joaquin "Cuba" Palma from The Healing Rooms, talking about their testimonies in healing ministries and divine appointments.

Divine Appointments and Miracles #1

Interview with Marcus Gutierrez and Joaquin "Cuba" Palma from The Healing Rooms, talking about their testimonies in healing ministries and divine appointments.

Fruit of the Spirit: Peace #3

What does Biblical peace mean and why do we try to have peace with the world instead of with God?

Fruit of the Spirit: Peace #2

What does Biblical peace mean and why do we try to have peace with the world instead of with God?

Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

What does Biblical peace mean and why do we try to have peace with the world instead of with God?

Fruit of the Spirit: Patience #2

What does godly patience look like? How patient do we need to be? Is God more patient than we like?

Fruit of the Spirit: Patience

What does godly patience look like? How patient do we need to be? Is God more patient than we like?

Fruit of the Spirit: Joy #2

What is the Biblical definition of Joy? And how does it differ from Happiness?

Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

What is the Biblical definition of Joy? And how does it differ from Happiness?

Fruit of the Spirit: Love #2

What does Godly love look like? How do we love like Jesus?

Fruit of the Spirit: Love

What does Godly love look like? How do we love like Jesus?

Biblical Symbolism - Trees

Have you had a vision or dream about trees? Learn the Biblical view of trees to interpret correctly.

Biblical Symbolism - Stones

Have you had visions or dreams about stones? What does the scripture say about it? How do we interpret them Biblically in a way that we might not expect?

Live at The Holy Spirit Summit 2021

Join Paul Reid as he speaks at The Holy Spirit Summit 2021 in Mesa AZ

Biblical Symbolism: Wind #3

What is the meaning of wind in the scriptures and how do we use that to interpret dreams and visions from the Lord?

Biblical Symbolism: Wind #2

What is the meaning of wind in the scriptures and how do we use that to interpret dreams and visions from the Lord?

Biblical Symbolism: Wind #1

What is the meaning of wind in the scriptures and how do we use that to interpret dreams and visions from the Lord?

Biblical Symbolism: Oil #4

If you have a vision of oil, what are the possible meanings? How should we interpret oil and anointing with Scripture?

Biblical Symbolism: Oil #3

If you have a vision of oil, what are the possible meanings? How should we interpret oil and anointing with Scripture?

Biblical Symbolism: Oil #2

If you have a vision of oil, what are the possible meanings? How should we interpret oil and anointing with Scripture?

Biblical Symbolism: Oil

If you have a vision of oil, what are the possible meanings? How should we interpret oil and anointing with Scripture?

Biblical Symbolism: Fire #3

When we have a vision or a word about fire, how do we interpret that? What does scripture say?

Biblical Symbolism: Fire #2

When we have a vision or a word about fire, how do we interpret that? What does scripture say?

Biblical Symbolism: Fire #1

When we have a vision or a word about fire, how do we interpret that? What does scripture say?

Biblical Symbolism: Rivers #2

How do we interpret dreams and visions that God gives us? The best way is to use scripture to interpret them.

Biblical Symbolism: Rivers #1

How do we interpret dreams and visions that God gives us? The best way is to use scripture to interpret them.

Revelation: Epilogue

The final chapter.

Revelation: A New Heaven and a New Earth

Do we really live in heaven for eternity? What is the new earth? What does eternity really look like?

Revelation: The Thousand Years

Satan is bound for 1000 years and thrown into the abyss. Jesus reigns on earth with his people for 1000 years.

Revelation: Armageddon

The saints sing praises to God for the destruction of Babylon.

Revelation: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

The saints sing praises to God for the destruction of Babylon.

Revelation: Fallen is Babylon the Great Part 2

"Babylon" is representative of a future kingdom that is against God and is destroyed for their sinful behavior. In this episode we try to get into our head what this country looks like so that we can recognize it when it happens.

Revelation: Fallen is Babylon the Great Part 1

"Babylon" is representative of a future kingdom that is against God and is destroyed for their sinful behavior. In this episode we try to get into our head what this country looks like so that we can recognize it when it happens.

Revelation: The Prostitute and The Beast Part 2

Discussing the second half of Revelation chapter 17 about the Prostitute and the Beast.

Revelation: The Prostitute and The Beast Part 1

Discussing the first half of Revelation chapter 17 about the Prostitute and the Beast.

Revelation: The Seven Bowls

A discussion of the seven bowls of God's wrath.

Revelation: The Song of Moses

The tribulation saints sing the Song of Moses to the Lord.

Revelation: The Judgment of the Wicked #2

In this episode, we get more information about the 144,000 and the judgment of the wicked as symbolized by Babylon the Great.

Revelation: The Judgment of the Wicked #1

In this episode, we get more information about the 144,000 and the judgment of the wicked as symbolized by Babylon the Great.

Revelation: The Mark of the Beast

A description of the antichrist and the beast and the use of the mark to prevent believers from buying and selling.

Revelation: The Dragon and The Woman

An allegory about Satan attacking the church during the tribulation.

Revelation: The Beast vs The People of God

More about the two witnesses ministry and death and the Beast making war against the people of God.

Revelation: The Seven Thunders & The Two Witnesses

Here we talk about the seven thunders and the prophecies and judgments to come and then about the two witnesses that will stand for God during the end times.

Revelation: The Trumpets

What judgments do we see when the angels start blowing their trumpets? Where does that leave us as believers?

Revelation: The 144,000

Who are the 144,000 that are referenced in Revelation? What does God want from his church during this time?

Revelation - The Seven Seals

We detail how the seven seals judgments affect us as believers and the world at large.

Revelation - The Lion and the Lamb

What will God's plagues of the seven seals look like and what does that mean to us as Christians?

Revelation - Come up here

John describes the throneroom of heaven. How does it compare to other descriptions in the Bible and to those of people who have died and come back to life? What does it mean that even those who live in other cultures with other gods see the same thing?

Revelation - Laodicea

What does it mean to be hot or cold for Christ? Why would he prefer cold over lukewarm?

The Will of God — Forgiveness #4

Paul & Marla go through all the scriptures on forgiveness and come to some conclusions that might be surprising to the average believer.

The Will of God — Forgiveness #3

Paul & Marla go through all the scriptures on forgiveness and come to some conclusions that might be surprising to the average believer.

The Will of God — Forgiveness #2

Paul & Marla go through all the scriptures on forgiveness and come to some conclusions that might be surprising to the average believer.

The Will of God — Forgiveness #1

Paul & Marla go through all the scriptures on forgiveness and come to some conclusions that might be surprising to the average believer.

The Will of God — Boundaries #2

Paul and Marla discuss walking the line between submitting to authority and not being coerced away from God's will. It's a fine line that even Jesus and the Apostles had to walk.

The Will of God — Boundaries #1

Paul and Marla discuss walking the line between submitting to authority and not being coerced away from God's will. It's a fine line that even Jesus and the Apostles had to walk.

The Will of God - Emotions #2

Paul and Marla discuss how emotions, while a great part of life, can also sidetrack us from hearing the voice of God

The Will of God - Emotions #1

Paul and Marla discuss how emotions, while a great part of life, can also sidetrack us from hearing the voice of God

The Will of God - Vows #2

Paul and Marla discuss all the types of promises and vows that we make as Christians. How seriously does God take them? And what is the meaning of "Let your 'yes' be 'yes'."

The Will of God - Vows #1

Paul and Marla discuss all the types of promises and vows that we make as Christians. How seriously does God take them? And what is the meaning of "Let your 'yes' be 'yes'."

The Will of God: Plans #2

Following God's plan is difficult and sometimes we blow the small difficulties out of proportion compared to the blessings of God in our lives. Paul and Marla discuss how to follow God's plan and how our own alterations to God's plan cause us pain.

The Will of God: Plans #1

Following God's plan is difficult and sometimes we blow the small difficulties out of proportion compared to the blessings of God in our lives. Paul and Marla discuss how to follow God's plan and how our own alterations to God's plan cause us pain.

The Will of God: Prayer #2

The Will of God is that we pray. Jesus often went alone in the wilderness or up a mountain to pray. Do we spend enough time alone with God?

The Will of God: Prayer #1

The Will of God is that we pray. God says, "We have not because we ask not." Why don't we ask? Why do we give up? In our patient-less culture, it's difficult to wait on the Lord and his timing.

The Will of God: He Still Does Miracles #2

God is not done doing miracles. Paul and Marla give some examples and tips for seeing miracles in your life and ministry.

The Will of God: He Still Does Miracles #1

God is not done doing miracles. Paul and Marla give some examples and tips for seeing miracles in your life and ministry.

The Will of God: Dying to Self

Dying to self. It sounds awful. What a terrible thing to give up MY life. But dying to self is literally the most amazing thing you will ever do as a Christian. As soon as we get our own will out of the way, it frees up God to use us in ways that we could never imagine.

The Will of God: The Best Is Yet To Come

The best is always yet to come if we understand that the battle belongs to the Lord and his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways. We need to get out of our own way and trust that God, who began a good work in us, will carry it on to completion.

The Will of God: Dysfunctional Relationships #2

Everyone has dysfunctional relationships in their lives. There is a way that God wants us to handle them with truth and love. The Bible tells us not to associate with certain people, but how do we weigh that against forgiveness?

The Will of God: Dysfunctional Relationships #1

Everyone has dysfunctional relationships in their lives. There is a way that God wants us to handle them with truth and love. The Bible tells us not to associate with certain people, but how do we weigh that against forgiveness?

The Will of God: Evangelism #2

Jesus said, "One sows and another reaps the harvest and together they rejoice." In this video we talk about how we put too much pressure on ourselves to "win people to Christ" when research actually shows that we are likely only to move people 1-2 places on the Engel scale, which shows people's faith journey on a scale from -10 to +10 with 0 as salvation.

The Will of God: Evangelism #1

Paul and Marla talk about how people put pressure on us to witness and it makes it a chore. But Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." So how do we take the pressure off of witnessing to others?

Marriage, Toxic Masculinity and Femininity #2

Paul and Marla discuss love, marriage and the differences between men and women, and what the Bible has to say about all of it.

Marriage, Toxic Masculinity and Femininity #1

Paul and Marla discuss love, marriage and the differences between men and women, and what the Bible has to say about all of it.

The Will of God - Don't Rely on Egypt

So many times, we want to rely on what we see, so we rely on men in the flesh. But God wants us to rely on him in faith

The Will of God - Don't Look Back

Everything that God has for us is before us. So often, we wallow in our regrets, live in the past and celebrate what God has done. But God wants to do a new thing, so look ahead and see what he's about to do.

Biblical Wisdom: Is Jesus Your Idol #1

Do we have a real relationship with Jesus or do we use him as an idol or a magic charm to try to get what we want? In this episode, Paul and Marla discuss the ways in which people try to treat Jesus as yet another talisman instead of as our personal friend and savior.

Biblical Wisdom: Fix Our Eyes #2

God calls us to fix our eyes on him. But we often would rather complain to our fellow Christians and focus all our attention on them. But when we focus on Jesus, that's when miracles start happening. Join Paul and Marla as they go over several Bible passages and compare with their own visions and experiences.

Biblical Wisdom: Fix Our Eyes

God calls us to fix our eyes on him. But we often would rather complain to our fellow Christians and focus all our attention on them. But when we focus on Jesus, that's when miracles start happening. Join Paul and Marla as they go over several Bible passages and compare with their own visions and experiences.

True Religion: Virtue Signaling

Today's culture online is full of virtue signaling. What does God think of this practice? How does it line up with his word? Today, Paul and Marla discuss the potential motivations of those involved and how we should act scripturally.

True Religion: Debate

Do we avoid debates? Would we rather join teams than seek the truth? How do we speak to this increasingly us vs. them world?

True Religion: Reverence

Paul and Marla discuss reverence in today's churches. Are some churches too reverent? Are others too casual? What should we do biblically?

True Religion: Fruitfulness, #2

"Fruitfulness" #2, is our next study in Part 10 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

True Religion: Fruitfulness, #1

"Fruitfulness" #1, is our next study in Part 9 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

True Religion: Ministry, #2

"Ministry" #2, is our next study in Part 8 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

True Religion: Ministry, #1

"Ministry" #1, is our next study in Part 7 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

True Religion: Titles, #2

"Titles" #2, is our next study in Part 6 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

True Religion: Titles, #1

"Titles" #1, is our next study in Part 5 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

True Religion: Community, #2

"Community" #2, is our next study in Part 4 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

True Religion: Community, #1

"Community" #1, is our next study in Part 3 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

True Religion: Hierarchy, #2

"Hierarchy" #2, is our next study in Part 2 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

True Religion: Hierarchy, #1

"Hierarchy" #1, is our first study in Part 1 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: The Prophet's Curses, Part 3

"The Prophet's Curses" Part 3, is our next study in Part 24 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: The Prophet's Curses, Part 2

"The Prophet's Curses" Part 2, is our next study in Part 23 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: The Prophet's Curses, Part 1

"The Prophet's Curses" Part 1, is our next study in Part 22 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Daniel

"Daniel" is our next study in Part 21 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Hananiah

"Hananiah" is our next study in Part 20 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Ananias

"Ananias" is our next study in Part 19 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: David, Part 3

"David" Part 3, is our next study in Part 18 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: David, Part 2

"David" Part 2, is our next study in Part 17 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: David, Part 1

"David" Part 1, is our next study in Part 16 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Samuel

"Samuel" Part 2, is our next study in Part 15 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Samuel

"Samuel" Part 1, is our next study in Part 14 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: The Strike Me Prophet

The ‘Strike Me’ Prophet" is our next study in Part 13 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Elisha

"Elisha" Part 3, is our next study in Part 12 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Elisha

"Elisha" Part 2, is our next study in Part 11 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Elisha

"Elisha" Part 1, is our next study in Part 10 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Elijah

"Elijah" Part 2, is our next study in Part 9 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Elijah

"Elijah" Part 1, is our next study in Part 8 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Jonah

"Jonah" is our next study in Part 7 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Deborah

"Deborah" is our next study in Part 6 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Miriam

"Miriam" is our next study in Part 5 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Balaam

"Balaam" is our next study in Part 4 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Abraham, Part 2

We continue our study of "Abraham" in Part 3 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: Abraham, Part 1

"Abraham" is our next stop in Part 2 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Prophets: An Introduction

"An Introduction" is our starting point in Part 1 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Vengeance

"Vengeance" is the subject in Part 31 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Miraculous

"Miraculous" is the subject in Part 30 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Consistancy

"Consistancy" is the subject in Part 29 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Kindness

"Kindness" is the subject in Part 28 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Lord

"Lord" is the subject in Part 27 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Lord

"Lord" is the subject in Part 26 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: King

"King" is the subject in Part 25 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Forgiving

"Forgiving" is the subject in Part 24 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Friend

"Friend" is the subject in Part 23 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Father

"Father" is the subject in Part 22 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Holiness

"Holiness" is the subject in Part 21 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Holiness

"Holiness" is the subject in Part 20 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Creativity

"Creativity" is the subject in Part 19 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Jealousy

"Jealousy" is the subject in Part 18 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Servanthood

"Servanthood" is the subject in Part 15 of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on

The Character Of God: Sarcasm

In Part 14 of their series on God's character and nature, "Sarcasm " is the topic of Paul and Marla Reid's instruction.

The Character Of God: Husband

In Part 13 of their series on God's character and nature, Paul and Marla Reid teach on the character of "Husband".

The Character Of God: Judgement

"God's Character & Nature: Judgement" is the topic of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on this broadcast of The Way It Is.

The Character Of God: Patience

In this episode of The Way It Is, Paul and Marla delve into an informative discussion of God's character and nature, "Patience".

The Character Of God: Peace

"God's Character & Nature: Peace" is the topic of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on this broadcast of The Way It Is.

The Character Of God: Rest

"God's Character & Nature: Rest" is the topic of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on this broadcast of The Way It Is.

The Character Of God: Light

"God's Character & Nature: Light" is the topic of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on today's broadcast of The Way It Is.

The Character Of God: Living Water, Part 2

"God's Character & Nature: Living Water, Part 2" is the topic of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on today's broadcast of The Way It Is.

The Character Of God: Living Water, Part 1

"God's Character & Nature: Living Water, Part 1" is the topic of Paul & Marla Reid's teaching on today's broadcast of The Way It Is.

The Character Of God: Mystery, Part 1

In their series on God's character and nature, Paul and Marla Reid with their teaching on "Mystery".

The Character Of God: Love

Paul and Marla continue their discussion on the character and nature of God. Today's topic: Love.

The Character Of God: An Introduction

In today's broadcast, Paul and Marla begin their new series discussing the character and nature of God.

Operating in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Part 16, The Things We've Learned

Join Paul and Marla Reid as they recap the things taught in the 13-part series, Operating in the Gifts of the Spirit.